Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tuatara climb Taratara

At the top, do not slip!

View from halfway up

Very steep

Dwayne telling the students about how Taratara was  once a volcano

At the top

Checking out the Trig Point

View before we start our hikoi


Ko Taratara te maunga

Feeling confident!!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Senior School Art Project

The senior school have been on a mission this term learning about different types of art. They started off by researching artwork that they liked and then finding out some information on the artist. They even contacted some and asked questions about their style of art. This then led them onto their art project using flax and clay. Whaea Turi spent many hours working with students to learn how to weave. They masters ended up making kete and mats. Everyone then spent a day with local legend potters Rod and Margie Davis from Fern Flat. What they produced was simply mouth watering! Here are some photos of their combinations. These will be displayed at their art show next week.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Mangonui School Christmas in the Park 2012

Last Saturday Mangonui School held the fourth annual Christmas in the Park. The pictures do not show the huge crowd that attended, it was amazing. This is a healthy sign of supportive community that are proud of their school. Big thanks to all the parents and friends of our school that made this day so special and successful. The Kotahitanga group lead by Tam should be very satisfied that their efforts were so keenly supported by everyone.


The students in Tuatara have been learning about harekeke and weaving for the last couple of terms. We are very lucky to have an 'inside expert' whaea Turi to support this learning. Today parents were invited to come in and share their knowledge and learn about harekeke. Students made bracelets, kete, mats and putiputi.

Blair Tuke

Mangonui School is extremely lucky to have the Woodroffe sisters who know Blair Tuke NZ silver medallist for sailing personally. Sidney got her class to write letters to Blair asking that he (and his silver medal) come and visit Mangonui School. The school held a powhiri to welcome Blair and then he spent the morning talking to students. His big message was that everyone needs to set realistic goals to achieve their big goal. He also told us that when he won the silver medal they celebrated by eating 10 McDonald burgers.

Thursday 1 November 2012


Pool Project Completed

Smooth! No more stubbed toes!

Thanks 'For Everybody Trust'

Thank you!!!!

Kowhaiwhai Go Up!!!

The office block

Kowhaiwhai Panel
They look totally amazing and tell the story of our school community/whanau and area. Well done to everybody who has participated in this special project.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Eastern Zone Athletics 2012

An amazing day with Mangonui Students achieving excellence in so many events. It would not be misleading to suggest that it was a 'whitewash' of Mangonui students winning their events. What was most impressive is the way our students carried themselves, they stood out. They gave 100%, were proud of their school (beautiful manners) and supported each other. Could have not asked for a better example of the 'Mangonui Spirit'.

Go Katelyn!! Go Briana!!

Kobe winning yet another event!

Fantastic Sandy.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Kowhaiwhai Blessing

Today the kowhaiwhai were blessed by Matua Mike Nikora. They tell a story of our school community and landscape. The students shared the story of the kowhaiwhai to the parents and the boys supported this korero with an impromptu haka - tu meke tama.

Olympics 2012 Mangonui Style

Due to severe weather at the end of last term our Olympic Tabloid Day was postponed until today. The Active Ferns classroom organised the day linking Olympic events to Tabloid events. There was the hammer throw, shotput, sprints, hurdles, hockey and more. The day was heaps of fun with Whai Houes taking the Gold medal - Go Whai!

Opening of the Olympics

Go Whai!!!


The Throw


The Hammer