Thursday, 29 March 2012

Tuatara go bush at Puketi National Forest

The Tuatara classroom stayed overnight at Puketi to learn more our about our native bush in
particular learning about  the Kauri tree.

To see more photos go to

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Pukeko and Kowhai Camp 2012

The Pukeko (New Entrant) and Kowhai (Yr1) learners had a cool  overnight camp at school. Fishing at the wharf, catching kahawai. Playing spotlight at night after a true feast of sausages and then up and early the next day to visit Jim and Cheryl's farm seeing a whole range of cute and not so cute pets.

Active Ferns Camp Matai Bay 2012

The Year 6 Classroom 'Active Ferns' are spending two days out at Matai Bay on their class camp. This is one of the most beautiful spot's in the Far North. An excellent place to learn how to snorkle, fish, kayak, swim and be a team member.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Triathlon 2012

A fantastic day with a lot more compeditors than 2011. Great organisation, big turnout of parents and happy children.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Zero Waste at Mangonui


As of this Monday if you bring rubbish to school (wrappers, glad wrap, yogurt containers etc) you have to take it home. The school rubbish bins will disappear with only two left for visitors to our school.
We hope that this might make parents/ caregivers think about the amount of plastic wrappers in their child's lunchboxes. We counted six different wrappers in one lunch box alone!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Fonterra does it again!

Not only does Fonterra sponser milk for our breakfast programme but now they are giving our fantastic learners milk every day. Each day learners who want a a drink of milk are given a 250ml shot of beautiful chilled milk. It is a total hit with our learners.
A team of Year 5 students are the 'Milk Monitors' and they ensure that cartons are folded properly after consumption and placed in the blue fonterra recycle bin.

Fonterra are testing this programme in Northland primary schools with the possibility of rolling it out in New Zealand. We are really lucky and are extremely thankful to Fonterra for allowing us onto this programme.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Art Project Progress

Looking Good!
At the cutting out stage.

Crayfish! Well done Team.

As you can see the project is really underway. A small team of dedicated artists making a fantasic job.

Nga Ringa Awhina Camp at Paradise Bay

Plenty to do at the Beach

Putting up Tents
Cooking Marshmallows


Putting out the Long Line

True Paradise in the Far North. Big thanks to the Foster Whanau for allowing us to use their amazing whenua.

Principal Award

Paige (pictured) is an amazing community member who always looks after younger students at Mangonui School. She won the Principal award for looking after a student who was visiting our school. Our other award went to Kenny-Kade who when on camp at Paradise Bay looked after a crab by returning it back to its environment.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

The Recycling Circus

Mangonui School had the amazing 'Recycling Circus' (Sabrina and Diego) come and perform a whole range of amazing acts that totally engaged everyone. We hope they come and visit us again!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Extension Artists

The beginning of our new art project has started with our artists planning our sea theme murals. The students are using the walls to draw on as their planning sheets. Sounds a bit naughty but it is all good and most importantly it looks really good.


The Kotuku classroom have just spent the last 3 days at Whatawhiwhi on their camp doing a whole lot of cool stuff. Here is a little preview of what they got up to. Check out the mangonuikotuku.blogspot site to see what else they got up to!