Wednesday 19 September 2012

Hockey Success Yr5/6

Thanks to great coaching by Mr A and Lee Anne our senior team won all their games at the Taipa Hockey Competition. Asked what made them different they said "we played as a team. The other teams all bunched up and chased the ball". Well done!!

27 September - ALL WELCOME

27 September 2012

The Active Ferns are organising an Olympic Day as part of their work on the London Olympic's 2012. They have designed events based on the real events so everyone can participate. They have put a lot of thought and effort into this so come along and enjoy the day with us.


All our classrooms are offering an invitation to our school community to come along and view completed work done so far this year. It is a good opportunity to see what has been happening in your child's classroom.

Maths Morning

Over 30 parents and caregivers came to the maths morning held in the junior classrooms. Every family left with a maths kete which had cards, dice and laminated card games to be used at home. We are trying to connect with all our parents and give them some ideas on how they support maths at home. It was another extremely successful parent engagement day.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Shona Laing - Duffy Hero

Mangonui School students were very lucky to have New Zealand musician Shona Laing visit them as a Duffy hero. Shona spoke about the importance of reading and what she enjoyed reading as a child. Then she sang some awesome songs 'Old women and the fly', 'I love my feet' and  'Show your love' which the Active Ferns had been practising and sang with her. Thanks Shona and Duffy Books it was a special morning.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Mangonui Legends

22 Mangonui School students made it into the Far North Finals on Friday. 2 amazing runners came first, Kobe Morey and Leela Brown with 6 others making the top ten. A great effort.

The Team

Students who made the top ten

Celebration Assembly

We learnt a lot from today's assembly, multiplication, how to make piupiu and flax paper, write a recount with language features, write poetry...... Well done to everyone who got up and presented their work at the assembly.


Wednesday 5 September 2012

Far North Cross Country 2012

Mangonui School had its most successful year yet at the Far North Cross Country held at Peria School. 53 students in total made the top ten in their age groups. 
Not everyone made it into the top ten but they still gave their very best and participated as a Mangonui School community member as well as a Far North Eastern Zone  community member. Sometimes we just 'have to do what we have to do', so well done everyone we are extremely proud of you, first or last!