Sunday, 28 April 2013


A group of students represented Mangonui School at the ANZAC ceremony held at Mangonui. Well done team, once again you represented the school in a dignified and proper way. Thanks Toddy and Kara for stepping up and laying the wreath for our school.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Computers In Homes

Well done to our whanau who completed the Computers in Homes course. Yesterday we celebrated their completion of the course with a powhiri for our special guests, certificates and free computers for everyone who participated.
Shane Jones (MP) and Evan Wood (Tutor) handing out certificates

Well done Pem

Over 40 people joined the celebrations

Computers in Homes CEO, Shane Jones, Dave Sedcole and Emma - Far North coordinator. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Tuatara paintings and poetry

Pukekos - Grumpy Bear

Doctor Max and Leela teach us about the brain

Pukeko teach the school numbers that add to 5

Hihi Camp

The students from Taonga Class had an overnight camp at Hihi. Last night they visited June Salt's property to learn and listen to kiwi. They have spent the rest of their time on  the beach making awesome murals and swimming in the warm water. Thanks to all the school whanau that came along to the camp.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Active Ferns at Matai Bay

Snorkling, swimming, fishing (caught fish too), boating, walking, playing beach games, eating and camping in the great NZ outdoors were some of the things the Yr4 classroom got up to on camp.