Wednesday 25 April 2012

ANZAC Day @ Mangonui

There was a big turn out to the ANZAC parade on Wednesday at the Mangonui waterfront War Memorial. Quite a number of Mangonui School students attended representing our school. Liam and Leah laid the wreath for our school.

Monday 23 April 2012

Coach Dan

We are extremely lucky to have Coach Dan come and work with our students during Term 2. This is made possible by Soccer NZ - thanks heaps. Dan works every week with a select group of students who play Saturday soccer and have the 'right' attitude. It is great to be able to extend students in sports.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Celebration Assembly

Because the weather this was held inside at two locations (Junior - Nga Ringa Awhina Senior - Kotuku). Heaps of fantastic dances, art work and writing was shared.

Dr Babara Watson 'Teacher Only Day' at Mangonui School

Teacher Only Day 21st May

We are thrilled that Dr Barbara Watson is coming to Mangonui School to spend a day with our staff. She is the guru of reading and highly respected throughout the world for her knowledge and thoughts on how to support children to read. Barbara has never been to the Far North so we look forward to having her here in our whenua.

Dr. Barbara Watson is a teacher and researcher who has spent the last 30 years working with Reading Recovery teachers, Tutors/Teacher Leaders and Trainers around the world as Reading Recovery has expanded from its early beginnings in New Zealand. She is fortunate to have had close professional contact with Marie Clay and with colleagues in each country in which Reading Recovery has been adopted. Her research into children’s independent learning and teachers’ teaching contributes to the insights she is able to share about Reading Recovery. She received the Queen’s Service Medal for her contribution to the education of young children.

Barbara now also works with literacy learning and teaching nationally and internationally, providing teacher professional learning opportunities, within school support and guidance for education systems.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Kotuku - Whatawhiwhi Camp

Check out more on:

Duffy Concert - Rhubarb

We had a Duffy Book concert at school on Tuesday. Rhubarb performed two stories getting many of our learners up to perform. They were great providing heaps of laughs.

Taonga - Camp Hihi

The theme of the Taonga camp was to find out more about our NZ taonga of the bush - te kiwi. 
The Whakaangi Trust runs a huge kiwi programme on the Hihi Peninsula, over 1600 hecteres. Colin and Jan Salt were part of the group that started the Trust in 2003. The Taonga classroom visited the Salt's on their property and learnt about kiwi, predators and how they can help te kiwi. As they were on their night walk they even heard a kiwi! As a result the Taonga have adopted a kiwi chick, how cool is that!
The learners also had a chance to do heaps of other things out at beautiful Hihi, kayaking, snorkling, swimming, exploring and mud making!
Mud Mud Mud!

Kiwi Egg in nest


Learn more about Whakaangi Trust at: