Tuesday 3 April 2012

Taonga - Camp Hihi

The theme of the Taonga camp was to find out more about our NZ taonga of the bush - te kiwi. 
The Whakaangi Trust runs a huge kiwi programme on the Hihi Peninsula, over 1600 hecteres. Colin and Jan Salt were part of the group that started the Trust in 2003. The Taonga classroom visited the Salt's on their property and learnt about kiwi, predators and how they can help te kiwi. As they were on their night walk they even heard a kiwi! As a result the Taonga have adopted a kiwi chick, how cool is that!
The learners also had a chance to do heaps of other things out at beautiful Hihi, kayaking, snorkling, swimming, exploring and mud making!
Mud Mud Mud!

Kiwi Egg in nest


Learn more about Whakaangi Trust at:


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