Thursday 28 June 2012

House Tabloids

The students at Mangonui School competed for the 'House Shield' on Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mrs A organised a tabloid competition with each event providing an opportunity for house groups to score points. The house groups did chants and played hard to win the most points.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Celebration Assembly

Final Celebration Assembly for the term was held with great performances from all classrooms. It was great to see so many community members come and watch their children perform.

Taonga students pictures and stories on Matariki

Nga Ringa Awhina lesson on Te Marae

Nga Ringa Awhina 3D Marae pictures

Kowhai 'In the Beginning' Legend.

Tuatara Venn Diagram comparing Mangonui School 'then and now' using their grandparents as a source of information.

Kotuku 'In the Beginning' narrtive and pictures



On Thursday to celebrate Matariki we had a school commmunity haangi. It was a team effort with whanau coming to help peel riwai and kumara. All the kai was donated. A huge thanks to Whaea Lydia for her organisation and preperation of the kai and to  Matua Terry for the cooking which was described by many as the best haangi they had eaten.

Kenana Marae Trip

Six classes visited Kenana Marae on Wednesday. Tryneece did us proud with her powerful karanga to the Tangata Whenua. The powhiri was beautiful with Matua Fred welcoming us on. Matua Mike spoke on behalf of the school explaining his links to Kenana. Juluis delievered the koha also explaining his whanau's links to Kenena. Then everyone was treated to the most amazing kai we had ever seen. After this, traditional Maori games were played which everyone thoroughly enjoying the simple but fun games. Everyone remarked on how much the tamariki loved the it and were 100% engaged. Next on the agenda was Lunch! It was amazing! Cottage pie, salad, cheese cake, muffins...... We then gathered for the poroporoaki. It really was an amazing day that confirmed our links to Kenana. Kia ora whanau for this special day.

Sunday 24 June 2012

Mangonui's Got Talent Show

The school community packed out the Mangonui Hall on Friday night to watch their children perform for the Mangonui's Got Talent show. The night was organised by the Kotuku classroom and was a huge success. There was a whole range of acts from singers to magicians. Here are photos of some of the acts.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Far North Yr5&6 Soccer Tournament

It was a stunning day, not one drop of rain! We entered three teams into the tournament this year. Mangonui 1 - won all their games, Mangonui 2 - Lost 2 Won 4, Mangonui 3 - Won2, Drew 2, Won 2! A great day thanks to Hone from Paparore for his fantastic organisation.

Well done Mangonui Students you were beautifully behaved (as expected) and awesome team players.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

We are learners to...

Each term Mangonui School hosts Te Toi Tupu numeracy tutor Donna Yates. Donna takes workshops to support teachers to lift teacher practice in numeracy. This week the workshop focused on Place Value.

End of Term Dates - A very busy last week


Far North Soccer Tournament at Taipa – 3 Teams will represent our school
We will depart from school at 9.15 (starts at 10am) and be back before buses depart

Mangonui’s Got Talent Show – Mangonui Hall 6.30
The Kotuku classroom have organised this event as a fund raiser for their end of year camp.


Senior Readers  trip to Doubtless Bay Kindy

Kotuku and Nga Ringa Awhina heritage trail trip


Kenena Marae School Trip
Pukeko, Kowhai, Taonga, Ringa Awhina, Tuatara and Active classrooms

Haangi Preparation – 3.30 at school – bring a peeler!

Celebration Assembly – Haangi – Tabloids Day
Starts at 10.30


Last day of term


Tuesday 19 June 2012

Celebration Assembly

Once again a large variety of items that show what students have been learning. Celebration Assemblies start at 1.50 and you are more than welcome to attend.

Pukeko's learning te reo Maori

Taonga showing their timeline of NZ history

Kurt showing off his gym skills

Todd showing off his skipping skills

Monday 18 June 2012

Old Wheels

On Friday members of the Vintage Car Club were invited to Mangonui School to show their amazing cars. The learners in the junior school have been learning about 'wheels'. Having these beautiful cars was a real treat.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

And so it begins..... Art Project Kowhaiwhai

The school this term has been learning about the history of our rohe (area). They have learnt about Moehuri the chief who followed the Mango-nui into our harbour to learning about what it was like for our grandparents when they were young. Using this knowledge a team of senior students are working with Theresa Reihana and Kim Subritzky to design a kowhaiwhai pattern that explains who we are. This pattern will become our kowhaiwhai and will be wrapped around the entrance to our tari (office) during the third term. This will be our art project for the third term.

Art Project

Our school pool art project is nearly completed. A group of students have worked with Kim Subritzky to create a mural for the school swimming pool. Here is an example of the depth these students have been thinking and working at in this project.