Sunday 26 February 2012

Principal Awards Week 5

Hannah and Will won the Principals award this week for their mature and consistent approach to learning. These guys are the Key Competencies Kings, able to manage themselves, relate to others, think at a high level and particpate and contribute to their school and learning.

Jaxon Hall - Hiwi the Kiwi Writing Winner

Jaxon wrote this awesome story to win the Hiwi the Kiwi Competition, scoring a new fishing rod! Tara, Sadie, Dhannis and Izaiah won prizes for putting in huge effort into their writing and will be going fishing with the Principal on Snapa Slapa a local charter boat. Big thanks to our local fishing club for making this possible.


Finally after months of nagging my Dad gave in and finally took me fishing. We got all our burly and bait together. Grabbed our fishing rods and carried them all down to the beach.

 We marched around the sharp rocks. Theses rocks really hurt my feet, but my dad has tough feet, he doesn’t seem to mind them. Dad sets his sights and finds a good spot to fish. We put all the rotten, stinky, slimy and burly into the water to attract the fish. We set up our fishing rods and then cast our rods into the shiny water.

We sat back and waited and waited. It took ages but we finally started to feel little tiny bites nibbling our bait away. After feeding the fish a dozen or more times and sitting in the hot baking sun, I finally hooked up a beauty. My rod shook, and the tip bent right over nearly touching the water. I felt my body getting pulled towards the water. I began to wind this fish in, I heaved with all my might. My heart beat as fast as we played a game of tug-of-war.

Finally after minutes (but it seemed like hours) I started winning, it was getting closer and closer to the rocks. But the big wild fish gave its one last burst, my line went PING! and the fish swam away. I can’t believe my dinner swam away into the deep blue ocean.

After that we feed the fish a few more times, we decided the fish’s puku were full enough ( fuller than what we had for tea that night). So off we went home with grumbling tummies.

Jaxon Hall

10 years old

Mangonui School

Tuesday 21 February 2012

20 New Netbooks

Mangonui School was given a great donation by the Southern Trust to purchase twenty new 'Net Books'. These are just the same as a normal laptop but a lot smaller. The learners from the Actice Ferns wrote letters to say a big thanks.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Principal Award

Two amazing students who received the Principals award this week for excellence in attitude! Well done Moki and Katelyn

Thursday 16 February 2012

Celebration Assembly

Taonga share their work

A whole range of exciting learning was shared at our celebration assembly this week.

Pukeko Class: Shared their treasure boxes which they made and then filled up with taonga. They then wrote stories about their boxes

Kowhai Class: Shared their portraits of themselves and writing about why they were special (taonga).

Taonga Class: Shared life size drawings of themselves and their writing that described themselves.

Nga Ringa Awhina: Shared their amazing ‘Name Art’ where they had to fit their name perfectly into a geometric design.

Tuatara: Shared their learning about measurement which everyone found really interesting.

Active Ferns: These guys sang an wonderful waiata about the importance of looking after our ocean and ourselves when on the ocean - ‘Kai Moana’ .

Kotuku: Shared their beautiful art work and descriptions of themselves. You can see their work in the photo.

Kotuku korowai and artwork

Parents as Role Models for Reading

A special hui was held today for parents and caregivers of learners that are being specifically targeted for reading. Glenys Brown (Ministry of Education) and Jeanie Skinner (National Library) spoke about the importance of parents been role model readers. Jeanie shared ideas of how parents and caregivers can help at home. Library cards were given out to encourage whanau to use our school library. We are looking forward to meeting next term for a celebration of reading progress.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Education Life Trust

We are very lucky this week having Harold the Giraffe come with the Life Education Trust in their cool transportable classroom to teach our learners about their tinana (body). Every classroom has their own health topic they learn about for the three days that they are at Mangonui.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Term Dates

10 Feb: Hiwi the Kiwi

13 Feb: BOT Meeting

13-15 Feb: Life Education Trust

17 Feb: Celebration Assembly

17 Feb: Target Reading Hui at St John’s Hall 10.30am

28 Feb: Rm1/Rm2 Camp

28 Feb: Rm7 Camp Puketi Forest

29th Feb- 2 Mar: Rm5 Camp Whatawhiwhi

7 Mar: Rm3 Camp Paradise Bay

9 Mar: Celebration assembly

13 Mar: Swimming Demo Day

14 Mar: Active Board PD

21 Mar: Swimming Finals

27-28 Mar: Rm6 Camp Matai Bay

5 Apr: Celebration Assembly

Thank you to everyone who came along. We are holding another session on Wednesday 13th - 3.15pm
Reading in the New Entrant Classroom

Come and learn about:

¨ The Reading Process

¨ How reading is taught at school

¨ What you can do at home

¨ What NOT to worry about!

  This is an opportunity to get a better picture of reading in the junior classroom and what you can do to help your child be successful at school.

Venue  Pukeko Classroom, Mangonui School

Time  4.00pm

Date  9 February

Tea/ Coffee provided from 3.30 onwards

Hiwi The Kiwi Visit

The Minstrel came to Mangonui School and did an awesome performance for the students. He sang, danced, told jokes and stories about the sea. He told a story about the importance of wearing life jackets “You would be crazy not to wear one”! He also talked about the importance of throwing back the really big fish and small fish. Heaps of prizes were given out to the good listeners. He also gave the school a top fishing rod to be given to the student who writes the best fishing story. AND Snapa Slapa 2 a local charter boat has given 4 free trips to learners who put the most effort into their work. The Principal has to also go along!

"Kai Moana for you and me"

Good Listening Max!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Target Learners Hui

Parents and Caregivers of learners who have been identified as needing a special boost in reading this year are invited to a hui at the St John Ambulance Hall, 10.30 Friday 17th Feb. We have special guests who are coming along to share ideas on how you help your child at home with their reading. We are big believers that 'it takes a village to raise a child'.

Reading in the New Entrant Classroom

Come and learn about:

¨ The Reading Process

¨ How reading is taught at school

¨ What you can do at home

¨ What NOT to worry about!

  This is an opportunity to get a better picture of reading in the junior classroom and what you can do to help your child be successful at school.

Venue  Pukeko Classroom, Mangonui School

Time  4.00pm

Date  9 February

Tea/ Coffee provided from 3.30 onwards

Monday 6 February 2012

Our Classrooms 2012

New Entrants - Pukeko Class

Year 1 and 2 - Kowhai Class

Year 1 and 2 - Taonga

Year 2 and 3 - Nga Ringa Awhina

Year 3 and 4 - Tuatara

Year 4 and 5 - Active Ferns

Year 5 and 6 - Kotuku

Thursday 2 February 2012

Powhiri For New Students and Whanau

Haere Mai
Piki Mai
Kake Mai
Ki Mangonui School

A beautiful karanga was called by Yr 5 student Tryneece inviting our new school whanau onto our whenua. The senior boys lead a school haka to support the karanga.
We also welcomed our two wonderful new teachers, Mrs Timmermans (Mrs T) and Mrs Pedersen - haere mai!

Paint Job

Half of the school has been painted over the holidays with the other half to be completed in April holidays. The colour has changed to reflect our local envoironment. Thanks to Brendon and Charotte for the excellent job.