Thursday 16 February 2012

Celebration Assembly

Taonga share their work

A whole range of exciting learning was shared at our celebration assembly this week.

Pukeko Class: Shared their treasure boxes which they made and then filled up with taonga. They then wrote stories about their boxes

Kowhai Class: Shared their portraits of themselves and writing about why they were special (taonga).

Taonga Class: Shared life size drawings of themselves and their writing that described themselves.

Nga Ringa Awhina: Shared their amazing ‘Name Art’ where they had to fit their name perfectly into a geometric design.

Tuatara: Shared their learning about measurement which everyone found really interesting.

Active Ferns: These guys sang an wonderful waiata about the importance of looking after our ocean and ourselves when on the ocean - ‘Kai Moana’ .

Kotuku: Shared their beautiful art work and descriptions of themselves. You can see their work in the photo.

Kotuku korowai and artwork

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